HR Hot Topics – June 2024: Mastering Difficult Conversations: A Guide for Leaders

Welcome to the June edition of HR Hot Topics. This month, we’re taking a break from legislative updates to delve into a subject that’s close to my heart and crucial in the HR field: managing difficult conversations effectively. It’s a topic I spend a lot of time training on because it’s pivotal for both personal growth and professional success.



  • 0:03 – Introduction to the June Edition of HR Hot Topics
  • 0:20 – Why We’re Focusing on Difficult Conversations This Month
  • 0:34 – The Importance of Difficult Conversations in the Workplace
  • 1:02 – Statistics on Avoidance of Difficult Conversations
  • 2:09 – Key Strategies for Effective Having Difficult Conversations
  • 2:38 – Building Trust and Rapport for Better Outcomes
  • 3:01 – Exploring Radical Candor: Balancing Care and Directness
  • 4:08 – Emotional Management and Assumption Checking
  • 5:03 – Techniques for Active Listening and Engaging Dialogue
  • 6:21 – Preparing Yourself and Others for Tough Talks
  • 7:26 – Practical Tips for Implementing These Strategies in Daily Interactions
  • 9:34 – Announcement of Upcoming Training Sessions and Resources


Join me as I delve into these topics, sharing insights and practical tips to help you navigate one of the most challenging aspects of leadership. Be sure to check the links below for additional resources and information on our upcoming training sessions this fall.
