HR Hot Topics – December, 2023: Handbook Updates Based on Recent NLRB Ruling


Welcome to the final edition of HR Hot Topics for 2023! Join Jodi Schafer as she guides us through an insightful discussion on the crucial updates in HR policies and handbooks, prompted by recent decisions from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).


✔️ Key Highlights:


[00:10] Jodi Schafer, owner of HRM Services, introduces the focus of this edition: significant updates in HR policies and handbooks.


[01:02] A deep dive into the NLRB’s influence on long-standing handbook policies, including code of conduct, social media, electronic communication, right to search, non-solicitation, and non-compete policies.


[02:07] Understanding the NLRB’s perspective on protected activities and how broad language in handbooks might infringe on employees’ rights.


[03:08] Insights from employment law attorney Cliff Hammond (Foster, Swift, Collins and Smith, PC) on how the NLRB’s rulings impact handbook language.


[04:01] Sample revised language for a compliant code of conduct policy, reflecting the NLRB’s guidelines. [05:07] Jodi’s advice on broader policy updates including AI policies and expansions in definitions related to race and gender in EEO policies.


[06:51] Strategies for creating standalone documents for certain policies to ensure compliance.


[07:43] Looking forward to 2024: Preparing your HR policies in light of the changing landscape.


✔️ What You’ll Learn:


How to adapt your employee handbook in response to the NLRB’s recent rulings.


Strategies for crafting compliant and specific policy language.


Best practices for updating your handbook with the latest legal and societal changes.


✔️ Additional Resources:


Want deeper insights? Join our email list to get access to exclusive articles and resources mentioned in the video. Sign up here:


✔️ Join the Conversation:


We encourage HR professionals to share their experiences and strategies in updating handbooks and policies. Drop your thoughts and questions in the comments below! Also, join our email list for more resources and updates.


✔️ Closing Thoughts:


As we wrap up 2023, we wish everyone happy holidays and look forward to exploring new HR challenges and opportunities in 2024. Thank you for tuning in to HR Hot Topics. Don’t forget to go to out YouTube page and like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more insightful HR content!
