HR Hot Topics – September, 2023: Getting Creative with Benefit Offerings


Unlocking the True Value of Employee Benefits | HR Hot Topics with Jodi Schafer


Welcome to the September edition of “HR Hot Topics” with your host, Jodi Schafer! As we embrace the fall season, it’s time to reflect on open enrollment and craft the perfect benefit plans for the upcoming year.

In this episode:

* Exploring the gap between employer-perceived value vs. what employees genuinely value in benefits.

* Diving into Forbes’ insights on top benefits from both employer and employee perspectives.

* A surprising tidbit: Did you know many young employees value pet insurance?

* Other creative benefits like long-term care insurance, paid volunteer time, financial lunch-and-learns, and even the potential of sabbaticals!

* Innovative ways to customize benefits based on your workforce demographics.

Join us as we unpack ways to make every dollar count, ensuring that your benefits align with your employees’ needs and preferences. And always remember: Ask, align, get creative, and communicate! Join our email list to check out the articles and resources mentioned in the video! If you found value in this video, don’t forget to subscribe our YouTube channel  and hit the bell icon for monthly insights! Let’s embrace a season of growth together.
