
HR Hot Topics – December, 2022: Paid Sick Leave

Welcome to December’s edition of HR Hot Topics! This final episode of 2022 provides some insight on what employers can expect in the coming year based on November’s election results and the ongoing litigation around Michigan’s Paid Sick Leave law. This information will help you plan for 2023, both in terms of your policies and […]

HR Hot Topics: August Edition

Welcome to August’s edition of HR hot topics!   This month we’re talking about some recent court decisions that are affecting employers or will affect employers in the coming months.   Let’s start with Roe V. Wade.   On June 24th, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade and really kind of threw individual […]

HR Hot Topics – January, 2022: CDC Updates

  As you know, the Omicron variant is sweeping across our state and our nation; drastically increasing the number of employees who are contracting COVID and those out due to quarantine. In the wake of this, the CDC has updated their guidance. People with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic […]